Nevada Nurses Foundation

Developing Quality Health Care for Nevada Citizens by Promoting The Development of Professional Nursing


NNF Board of Directors/Advisory Board Utilities

Contacts Collection

NNF maintains a database of names and e-mail addresses to be used for Foundation publicity purposes, including mailing event fliers, notices of events and activities of interesting to the Nevada nursing community, and possibly in the future a Foundation newsletter.

If you wish to add folks you believe would be interested in receiving such informational e-mails, please submit their information in the form below. Duplicate entries are automatically detected and reported. All personal information is securely encrypted and accessible only by select Foundation officers.

If you have a large number of entries to add, please contact for assistance.

Submit New Contact:

* first name:
* last name:
* e-mail address:
at least one required field is empty or has invalid contents

Saving New Contact Record
