Nevada Nurses Foundation

Developing Quality Health Care for Nevada Citizens by Promoting The Development of Professional Nursing


Linda Beck Platz Memorial Fund

At the request of her family, the Foundation has established the Linda Beck Platz Memorial Fund. This fund will be used to further the Foundation's mission to promote professional development of nurses through recognition, grants, and scholarships. Please consider a donation to help raise funds for this worthy cause.

Linda Platz graduated from Mead High School outside of Spokane, Washington, in 1963, and then continued to nurses training at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center in Portland, Oregon. After completion of her training, her career as an RN spanned over five decades and included many different aspects of nursing, including at hospitals, the Nevada State Prison, System and the Nevada State Health Department. Linda retired from the State of Nevada as a RN in the Vaccines for Children program. Linda passed away April 20, 2019, at the age of 73.

Anytime she met someone who wanted to become a nurse or was in school to become one, Linda’s reply was always "Oh good, we need more nurses!"

The Nevada Nurses Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) Foundation, EIN 47-1388572. Your donation may be tax deductible; please consult your financial advisor.

$350 has been received for this fund so far.

donate using PayPal     (a PayPal account is not required to donate)

If you prefer to pay by check, please make your check payable to "Nevada Nurses Foundation" with the notation "Platz Fund" on the memo line, and send it to:

Nevada Nurses Foundation
P.O. Box 34047
Reno, Nevada 89533


Donation Acknowledgement

We are happy to acknowledge your generous donation, both online and at our fundraising and awards events. However, if you prefer to remain anonymous, just check the box below before proceeding.

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