Nevada Nurses Foundation

Developing Quality Health Care for Nevada Citizens by Promoting The Development of Professional Nursing


Betty Razor Scholarship

Betty Razor has generously donated scholarship funds to support nursing education. She has invited other donors to contribute to this scholarship as well. So far $1,000 has been donated, with $1,000 already awarded in scholarships.

Please consider making a donation to supplement Betty's contributions.

The Nevada Nurses Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) Foundation, EIN 47-1388572. Your donation may be tax deductible; please consult your financial advisor.

donate using PayPal     (a PayPal account is not required to donate)
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Donation Acknowledgement

We are happy to acknowledge your generous donation, both online and at our fundraising and awards events. However, if you prefer to remain anonymous, just check the box below before proceeding.

      anonymous donation